Almost all methods of weight loss are based on reducing the caloric content of the diet. It could be a mono-diet, a rational meal or just fasting days. There are also fatty foods that help speed up the weight loss process. Want to know the most effective way to lose weight? A few of them are listed below.
Causes of weight gain
Excess weight is the result of irrational nutrition: some nutrients come in excess, some - insufficient, so the body's needs are not met. Other causes of weight gain:
- Heredity;
- Overeating;
- A lifeless lifestyle;
- Hormonal imbalance.
Physiological weight gain in women is observed during pregnancy and lactation. Decreased levels of female hormones, slowing of metabolism during menopause is also one of the reasons for weight gain in women. The causes of excess weight can help you determine a dietitian.
How to lose weight fast?
To lose weight fast at home, you need to calculate how many calories your body burns per day and reduce the number of calories consumed with food by 10-20%. Tips for fast weight loss:
- Give up sugar;
- Boil food in olive oil;
- Drink green tea;
- Perform a set of daily exercises;
- Get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger - satiety comes later;
- Do not limit food, choose dishes with a rational ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
- Pay attention not to the weight, but to the changes in the settings.
Abrupt weight loss is considered to be more than 5% in the absence of a lifestyle change (diet, physical activity) for more than six months. A dietitian can help you choose the most suitable ways of losing weight that are right for you.
How to lose weight without dieting?
Rational nutrition, food selection based on the number of calories and the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, giving up bad habits and regulating lifestyle can help you lose weight without dieting. It is necessary to perform physical exercises regularly, choose active types of rest (hiking, cycling). To lose weight without dieting you need:
- Drink more fluids;
- When eating, do not pay attention to external issues;
- Use small utensils.
It is also important to avoid stress and get enough sleep. Lack of sleep releases large amounts of hormones that cause an increase in appetite (ghrelin, cortisol). Healthy sleep (7-9 hours) promotes the release of the hormone leptin, which suppresses hunger and is responsible for feeling full.
What should you eat to lose weight?
In order to lose weight without harming your health, it is recommended to eat often, but in small portions. Between meals you can eat food that helps satisfy hunger:
- nut;
- Legumes;
- Apples and pears.
Prompt saturation is facilitated by the addition of chili peppers, vinegar, olive oil to the main dishes. The weight loss diet includes green tea, whole grains, lean meats and fish, green vegetables and fresh fruits. Choose low-calorie, balanced protein, fat and carbohydrate foods to stay full and maintain a calorie deficit.
If you have chronic diseases, your doctor should make up your diet. The diet for diabetes and other endocrine diseases is chosen by an endocrinologist.
How many calories do you need per day to lose weight?
In order to lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than your body expends per day. The daily caloric intake of an adult is calculated by Mifflin-St. Jeor formula:
- For women: (10 x weight) + (6. 25 x height) - (5 x age) - 161;
- For men: (10 x weight) + (6. 25 x height) - (5 x age) + 5.
The obtained results should be multiplied by 1, 375 coefficients. For 25-year-old women weighing 60 kg, height 1, 6 m, the caloric norm is 1800 kcal, for men 25-year-old weighing 80 kg, height 1, 8 m - 2480 kcal.
If you lead an active lifestyle, play sports to lose weight quickly and effectively, you can reduce the caloric content of the diet by 10%. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are recommended to consume 20% fewer calories than the body consumes per day.
How to lose weight during pregnancy?
Normally, a woman gains about 10 kg during pregnancy (fetal weight, placenta, enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, adipose tissue). With such weight gain, women are forbidden to get tired of diets - the gained kilograms will pass without any problems in the first months after childbirth. Weight gain that exceeds the norm can put a heavy strain on the future mother's body (legs, spine), provoking excess weight in the fetus. To lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby you need:
- Eat rationally and diversify;
- Exclude the use of fast food, cakes, carbonated beverages, pickled foods, pickles;
- Eat often and in small portions;
- Plan your last meal 3 hours before bedtime;
- Drink enough water;
- Live an active lifestyle (daily walks).
It is important not to limit your intake of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy. Among the essential micronutrients that a woman should take during childbirth are iodine, iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D.
How to lose weight after childbirth?
After giving birth a woman's body weakens, she needs time to replenish resources. It is recommended to plan a weight loss program when lactation is established, the mother sleeps enough, feels comfortable and has no contraindications. Proper weight loss does not happen quickly without harm to the woman and the baby - this process can take up to a year.
In the first month after giving birth, you can do small physical exercises only in a prone position, a little later - start warming up in a sitting position. Gentle sports activities (yoga, water aerobics, Pilates) a woman can start 1-1, 5 months after natural childbirth and 1, 5-2 months after cesarean section. And only 4-5 months after the birth of a child can a woman start full-fledged exercise to lose weight after giving birth.
How to lose weight in adolescence?
The desire to lose weight in adolescence may be caused not so much by extra pounds, but by dissatisfaction with the influence of social standards and appearance. Unexplained weight gain can be a symptom of endocrine diseases, so it is necessary to consult a dietitian and endocrinologist before going on a diet.
Rules that will help a teenager lose weight:
- Be actively involved in sports, attend sections of interests (gymnastics, boxing, football, volleyball);
- Relax to warm up while writing homework or playing computer games;
- Do not miss a main meal;
- Follow a ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet 1: 1: 4;
- Serve steamed or stewed food;
- Take fruits and vegetables as snacks;
- Add more protein to the diet (eggs, milk, legumes) to satisfy hunger;
- Limit the use of carbonated beverages, cookies, sweets.
It is extremely important for a teenager to have the support of loved ones - it is recommended that all family members follow a healthy lifestyle and proper eating habits. Another important aspect is the organization of joint outdoor events.
Why not lose weight during intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting involves dividing the day into two periods. You can eat in the first half of the day, abstain from eating the rest of the time. There are different schemes: 13/11, 16/8, 18/6, 36/0 (the first number indicates the hours of feeding, the second - the hours of fasting).
During fasting, the body experiences stress and begins to use its own supply of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness, followed by protein and fat. Protein reserves are located in muscle tissue, if their number decreases, metabolism is slowed down. Fat deposits burn at the end. Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to choose the right diet and exercise on the advice of a dietitian.
How to speed up metabolism and lose weight?
Weight loss can be complicated by slow metabolism, provoked gastrointestinal diseases, endocrine pathologies, and genetic predisposition. An endocrinologist and dietitian can help you lose hormonal weight.
To speed up your metabolism and lose weight, you need to follow the rules:
- Do not miss breakfast, 40-50% of the daily diet should come from the first meal;
- Follow a drinking regimen;
- Eat more protein foods (eggs, legumes, nuts, meat), fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables;
- Do some aerobic exercise (jogging, swimming, cycling);
- Eat small amounts every 3-4 hours;
- Refuse fatty foods;
- Take a walk in the fresh air every day;
- Rationally distribute work and rest hours (sleep 7-8 hours a day);
- Give up bad habits.
It is necessary to include in the diet simple carbohydrates (cabbage, cereals, dried apricots, raisins), as well as foods rich in vitamin D (seafood, butter), iron (nuts, beef, seafood, red fish), calcium (milk, cottage cheese, cabbage).